公共假期一日精進念佛 | Public Holiday One-day Intensive Chanting Program
27 Sep 2024 7:00am
to 5:00pm
Public Holiday One-day Intensive Chanting Program
時間: Time: |
9月27日 週五 7:00am 至 5:00pm From 7:00am to 5:00pm on Friday 27th Sep
地點: Venue: |
551 Burwood Hwy, Knoxfield, VIC 3180
課程安排: Schedule: |
Walking & Chanting Meditation
注意事項: Note: |
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精進念佛,嚴格止語,保持一句佛號不間斷,不夾雜 Refrain from speaking during intensive chanting program.
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繞佛累了,可以自行歸位拜佛或靜坐,或在佛堂外休息,休息好了再繼續用功 Prostrations to Buddha or Meditation on the cushions is allowed whenever you feel tired.
Alternatively you could take a rest oustide the Chanting Hall and join back in when you are ready.
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請自備飲食,學會只提供簡便食品 Please bring your own food and drinks. The centre will only provide simply snacks..
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歡迎同修隨喜參加。下午三點後,請從側門進出。 All are welcome. Please use the side door after 3pm..
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接受前一晚掛單,請致電學會 03-98871557 登記。 Please call 03-98871557 to register with the front desk, if you would like to stay overnight at the centre the day before.