國王生日精進念佛 | King‘s Birthday Intensive Chanting Program
10 Jun 2024 7:00am to 5:00pm

中元三時繫念法會 | Thrice Memorial Ceremony on Zhong Yuan
17 Aug 2024 to 18 Aug 2024

彌陀聖誕精進佛七暨三時繫念法會 | 7-day Chanting Retreat & Thrice Memorial Ceremony
21 Dec 2024 to 29 Dec 2024


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First, cultivate peace
in the  garden of our heart
by removing weeds of
selfishness and jealousy,
greed and anger,
pride and ego.
Then all will benefit
from your peace and harmony.


We already have
perfect compassion,
perfect wisdom, and perfect joy.
To allow them to arise from deep within,
we only need to settle our minds.



From The Heart of A Buddha