公共假期一日精進念佛 | Public Holiday One-day Intensive Chanting Program
05 Nov 2024 7:00am to 5:00pm

彌陀聖誕精進佛七暨三時繫念法會 | 7-day Chanting Retreat & Thrice Memorial Ceremony
21 Dec 2024 to 29 Dec 2024


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Much of our activities centre on meditative to Amitabha Buddha.  Our meditation methods are simple and easy to learn.  And there are always experienced practitioners around to help us.  Enjoy yourself sonorously with us! 


The following are our practice time-table and introduction to our activities: 

  • Weekly Practice
  • Dharma Lectures
  • Thrice Memorial Ceremonies
  • Retreats


Weekly Practice

Group practice is from 10.00am - 2.30pm on every Saturday . Our meditation method is known as  "Mindfulness of Amitabha Buddha". As the name suggests, we set our mind on Amitabha Buddha while we recite his name.


Being able to control our scattered mind and focus single-minded on Amitabha Buddha, we achieve Samadhi - the goal of meditation. Samadhi is the basis of Wisdom.


Practicing meditation in a group has the advantages of relying on others to encourage ourselves to practice diligently, and to learn from each others.  It also provides opportunities for new practitioners to learn from the seniors.




  Week 1,2,5Week 3Week 4


- Amitabha Sutra

- Walking & Sitting Meditation

- Dedication of Merit (Short)

- Infinite Life Sutra Recitation

- Meal Offering to the Buddha

Same as week 1,2,5




- Walking & Sitting Meditation

- Prostration to the Buddha

- Dedication of Merit (Long)

- Reminder from Universal

  Worthy Bodhisattva

- Three Refuges

- Chung Fung Thrice Memorial

  Service Sutra Recitation

- Dedication of Merit (Long)

- Walking & Sitting Meditation

- Great Dedication of Merit 



* Please bring your own lunch. In case you have not brought any, we shall share our vegetarian lunch with you!!





10:00 - 12:00

                                                       - Amitabha Sutra

                                                       - Walking & Sitting Meditation

                                                       - Dedication of Merit (Short)



Date:2nd Saturday of every month to the next morning


9:00 - 9:00 next day

24-Hour Intensive Chanting Program (Walking / Sitting Meditation)



NOTE:Apart from the above mentioned activities, the small worshipping hall in our centre is open to all for walking / sitting meditation or Prostrations to Buddha on their own at any time during the opening hours.



Dharma Lectures

Dharma means right understanding and views. In the past, delusion has obstructed us from seeing the truth of our lives and the universe. This has caused us to look at life and the universe in a distorted and deviant way. When delusion is cleared and our minds begin to purify, it gives rise to wisdom. Therefore, the purpose of Dharma lectures on the teachings of the Buddha is to show us the way out of suffering and to arrive at peace and understanding.


Meditation builds the foundation for Wisdom, listening to Dharma Talk clear the obstacle to Wisdom.


Thrice Memorial Ceremonies

The Thrice Memorial Ceremony was compiled by Master Chung Fung who lived in the Yuan Dynasty in China. This compilation includes:


1, The recitation of Amitabha Buddha
2. The Buddha Speak of Amitabha Sutra
3. Rituals
4. Short Dharma discourses
5. Repentance


The purpose of the ceremony is to introduce the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss to all beings.


The very first advice of Master Chung Fung was to remind us of the suffering in our present world.  For those who wish to seek solution to end their suffering, the answer lies within the Western Pure Land.


The short Dharma Discourses help practitioners to build up their faith in Amitabha Buddha so that we are confident that Amitabha Buddha will fulfill our wishes when we sincerely and single-mindedly called upon him. The faith also refers to believing in ourselves that we are able to break through our greed, anger and delusion and to restore our Buddha nature with the help of Amitabha Buddha.  



The center conducted its first retreat at Healesville in 2001. Since then, the center organizes its annual 7-Days retreat every Christmas. The retreat provides us with a suitable meditation environment so that we can concentrate on cultivation. It lets us put aside all our personal matters and set our mind free during this period.


The practice is centered on Recitation of Amitabha Buddha and listening to Dharma Talks. The participants are encouraged to observe the noble silence and The Eight Precepts which help to maintain our pure and calm mind.  The aim of the retreat is to develop our Discipline, Concentration and Wisdom.