公共假期一日精進念佛 | Public Holiday One-day Intensive Chanting Program
05 Nov 2024 7:00am to 5:00pm

彌陀聖誕精進佛七暨三時繫念法會 | 7-day Chanting Retreat & Thrice Memorial Ceremony
21 Dec 2024 to 29 Dec 2024


主頁|Home > Buddhism > The Artful Buddhist Teaching

The Artful Buddhist Teaching

Buddhist teaching is full of artistic expressions. It combined what was equivalent to today's museum and school system. Most students went to a Si to study because it usually had a complete collection of books, similar to today's library. The collections included not only sutras, but also almost every kind of publication. The monks were familiar with Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and ancient Chinese texts. They were capable of answering questions and were well versed on various subjects. Consequently, Buddhist institutions began to take over the educational mission for China.