國王生日精進念佛 | King‘s Birthday Intensive Chanting Program
10 Jun 2024 7:00am to 5:00pm

中元三時繫念法會 | Thrice Memorial Ceremony on Zhong Yuan
17 Aug 2024 to 18 Aug 2024

彌陀聖誕精進佛七暨三時繫念法會 | 7-day Chanting Retreat & Thrice Memorial Ceremony
21 Dec 2024 to 29 Dec 2024


主頁|Home > 聯繫我們|Contact Us

聯繫我們|Contact Us


墨爾本淨宗學會  The Pure Land Learning Center of Victoria Inc

地址 | Address:

551 Burwood Hwy, Knoxfield, VIC 3180


聯係方式 | Contact No.:

Tel: (+61-3) 9887 1557

E-mail: purelandvic@gmail.com



開放時間 | Opening Hours: 

週一 至 週五(Mon - Fri): 10 am - 3 pm

週六 至 週日(Sat - Sun): 9 am - 3 pm



如何到達 | How to get there:


自駕車 | By Car


Melway reference: 64 B12


乘車 | By Bus


1. Bus 732

(Box Hill - Upper Ferntree Gully),

在 Lewis Rd (Knoxfield) 下車 (Alight at)


2. Bus 755

(Bayswater - Knox City),

在 Lewis Rd (Knoxfield) 下車(Alight at)