公共假期一日精進念佛 | Public Holiday One-day Intensive Chanting Program
05 Nov 2024 7:00am to 5:00pm

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21 Dec 2024 to 29 Dec 2024


主頁|Home > Buddhism > Newcomers > Where to start?

Where to start?

Today, we see an increasing number of people around the world starting to practice Buddhism but many do not understand what it is and thus cannot truly benefit from it. Buddhism is a most virtuous and perfect education directed by the Buddha towards all sentient beings in the universe. It covers a boundless range of phenomena and principles and is an education of the wisdom and understanding of life and the universe. It is not a religion.


Buddhism teaches us how to live in harmony with others, to live perfect and wonderful lives similar to those of perfectly enlightened beings and enlightened sentient-beings. This is the true, ultimate, and perfect Mahayana teaching. To practice Buddhism, we start by:


Being filial and respectful towards parents, teachers and elders, Having the great compassionate mind, Nurturing our thinking and wisdom, and broadening our minds to care for all sentient-beings.


(Extracted from http://www.amtbweb.org/tchet502.htm)