We lead difficult lives because of wandering and discriminatory thoughts, and attachments: afflictions. Afflictions are all the conditions that cause pain; distress and suffering which disturb the body and mind. Attachments are fixations to certain ideas or objects. They result in our having desires, having strong feelings of selfishness and jealousy, having the longing to control, the longing to possess others. Because of these we dwell on thoughts of what has occurred, what we have remembered, what we have imagined. We are led by these thoughts, unable to stop them.
It is crucial that we cease these attachments, which have made us sad or angry, those that have caused us to have strong emotions for due to these attachments, we cannot stop thinking of ourselves, of what we want. What can we do? As ordinary people, we are still subject to thoughts and feelings of attachment. So, as soon as these thoughts arise, replace them with the "Amituofo". As the next thought arises, again replace it with the single thought of "Amituofo". In this way, we can practice anywhere, anytime.