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Is there cause and effect, or rather, can we escape what we sow?

Whether worldly Dharma, which includes things, events, phenomena, everything of this world, or Buddha Dharma, which is the teaching of the Buddhas; nothing is beyond the Law of Cause and Effect. It is said that everything is empty and unreal, an eternally impermanent element. But the Law of Cause of Effect is unchangeable and real, an eternally permanent element.


Both cause and effect are closely related as they co-exist mutually. A causal action becomes a consequential effect and this effect in turn gives rise to another causal action. From this endless cycle, we can see that a particular causal action is not fixed. Neither is a single effect the only effect. The combination of cause and effect forms a vicious cycle, the cycle of reincarnation.


Unlike Bodhisattvas, sentient beings do not understand the principles and the realities of life. The little knowledge we may have is limited and vague, far from complete. Consequently, we carelessly commit causal actions and do not understand, when the effects occur later, why they happened. It is then too late for us to regret. And for most of us, not only do we not feel remorse, but also we blame others for our misfortune. This in turn creates more bed effects. Cause and effect is constantly being played out all around us. If we are unable to connect the occurrences, it is because we are not mindful; rather we are rash and careless, not yet truly understanding.


If what you are reading now interests you, find out more from this very interesting passage written by Venerable Wu Ling.  It is quite a long passage but it is easy reading, with short paragraphs, and touches the heart of Buddhism. You will enjoy it tremendously: